Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summer is ending, and fall is coming!

Well as all good things come to end so must summer.  I am sad to see it go.  It has been a pretty good summer.  I love being able to be outside and not have to worry about bringing a jacket.  What I love most though is the chance I get to be with family.  No one is in school so it is much easier to plan to do things in the middle of the week, and be able to enjoy late nights without it getting dark till ten!  Summer of 2012 you have been good to me and I will miss you, but I look forward to all the new adventures fall will hold for me.  For example last fall I got to meet David Archuleta for a third time.  But this time took the cake, because I finally got a picture with him.  Who knows what fall holds, but all I know is that I can keep on going.

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